Clerk Duties

Clerk Duties

The position of Clerk plays a critical role in the AvaCon Executive Board, as it has both legal and statutory responsibilities that must be fulfilled in order for the corporation to remain in compliance with federal and state law, as well as in compliance with the AvaCon Bylaws.

From the AvaCon Bylaws, Section 4.02:

The clerk shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Membership and of the Executive Board and maintain the records of the Corporation, other than financial records, but including the membership roster and attendance records. The clerk shall inform the members of corporate activities, including the membership roster and attendance records. The clerk shall inform the members of corporate activities, including publishing on the corporate website and all other notices not otherwise assigned. The clerk shall be responsible for all necessary fillings with the office of the State Secretary. The clerk shall affix and authenticate the Seal of the Corporation as directed by the Membership or by the Executive Board. The clerk shall chair meetings in absence of the president, vice president, and the treasurer.

This page contains more information about how to perform the duties of the Clerk.

Record Board Meeting Minutes

1. Navigate to the AvaCon Inc > Board Meetings folder in Google Drive.

2.  Locate the most recent previous Board Meeting Minutes, and right click on the file to “Make a Copy”

3.  Double click to open the newly created copy, and rename the document to the current date.  Also change the date and attendance in the text as needed.

4.  Take notes throughout the meeting with the appropriate headings and subjects.

Post Board Meeting Minutes to Website

1.  Navigate to the AvaCon Inc > Board Meetings folder in Google Drive, locate the most recent Board Meeting Minutes, and double click to open the document.

2.  Navigate to the public AvaCon website and log in as an administrator at

3.  In the WP Dashboard, navigate to Pages > All Pages, and find the Documents > [YEAR] Meeting Minutes page, then select Edit to edit the page.

4.   Copy and paste the meeting minutes from the Google document to the TOP of the website page.  Make any necessary edits or formatting changes, and click the Publish button.

5.  On the AvaCon Executive Trello Board, navigate to the Ongoing column and open the Update Board Meeting Minutes card.  Check the week for which meeting minutes were posted, and change the Due Date for the next week’s meeting minutes.